Windshield Glass Repair

No one likes to drive a car with a cracked windscreen because it interrupts your vision on-road as well as is very dangerous too. So we have to repair it or replace it as soon as possible. But as a layman, we generally don’t know whether it needs a replacement or repair. To resolve these issues, we take help from certified professionals, and we can also judge by ourselves whether our car needs windshield glass crack repair or replacement by reading the next paragraph. Repair is always better than a replacement. It helps in saving money and time. Apart from this, we always need to check, the glass used in replacement is genuine or not, usage of the correct amount of adhesive is also required.
Factors on which windshield glass crack repair depends

Some of the factors on which glass crack repair depends are: –
- Size- Cracks up to 6.1cm can get repaired. Windscreen with more severe damages needs replacements. But, cracks on the edges would compromise the structural integrity of the windshield.
- Type- Circular bullseyes, linear cracks, crack chips, dings, pits and star-shaped breaks are repairable without removing the glass, eliminating the risk factor of leaking or bonding problems, sometimes associated with the replacement.
- Locations on which windshield glass crack repair is not possible are edge cracks, contaminated cracks, cracks inside the windscreen, deep damage on both layers of glass, damage over rain sensor, and complex multiple cracks.
In the cracked windscreen, the air is remove from the damaged part with a vacuum injection pump. Then, the clear adhesive resin is injected and is cured with ultraviolet light. This strengthens the damaged area, as is 90–95% of the clarity.
Windshield express

To all the issues faced related to windshield glass crack repair, windshield express is your one shop stop solution. We deal in every type of windscreen cracks. We provide both repair and replacement of the windshield. Our team focuses on repair the first policy. We use genuine glass and adhesive for windscreens. Our team includes professional experts (ISO certified) with years of experience in the auto glass industry. Cashless insurance claim facility available for major insurance companies. You and your family’s safety and satisfaction is our prime motto. Therefore, we provide a doorstep pick up facility for your car.
If you still are having some doubts and problems, you can call our dedicated team of experts, who are always there for your help, for that you need to dial 9990227744 or send us an email on